The straight post table legs that came from the factory were always so difficult to get loose. We pulled so hard, wiggled the tables so much, and even used a rubber mallet. Every night when we wanted to turn the table into our bed, many cusswords were used to get the table legs loose. I finally found the solution. I saw a picture of these table legs on the Cikira RV site and immediately knew this was the solution.
I ordered the legs made by Elixir Industries, from our local RV dealer, who ordered them from Carter Distributors. They come in two heights, the ELX-FL275 is 27.5 inches tall and the ELX-FL295 is 29.5 inches tall. They only cost me $18 each and are easy to install. Now we simply fold the legs up and put the table in place as a bunk. These legs also make the table much more stable and now the table can be used anywhere, even outside.