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These are handy voltage and temperature meters...

I have added these meters to our T160. The voltage meter takes all the guess work out of how much battery power is remaining. Simple light indicators just are not enough. The left one is a voltage meter that reads the battery voltage when the button below the meter is pressed. The meter on the right is a temperature meter. This meter has a built in sensor. An external temperature sensor probe can be added to read the outside temperature.

I mounted the outside probe on the kitchen exhaust vent. The wire is run through the hood and out through the vent so no holes have to be drilled. Of course the probe will read hot if the sun hits it durectly, but with the awning out, it is shaded from the sun.

I mounted these on the hood because power is already there to feed the fan and light and these panel meters are made to mount on a thin material. You can see the wiring in this picture. The protective clear tubing is easy to keep clean.

They are splash proof so the occasional splash of water or wiping them off will not hurt them. You can see the stud mount with the wires in the rear view, which also shows the sealed construction of the meters.

I no longer sell these meters as a kit due to a low response. However, you can purchase these meters from Allied Electronics at . The stock number for the voltage meter is 572-0002 and the stock number for the temperature meter is 572-0003. The stock number for the termistor to make an outside temperature sensor is 837-5195. The push button switches can be bought at radio shack. The switches will allow you to turn on the meters only when you want to view the information, so that there is no battery current draw when not in use.

I made the outside temperature probe by taking a small piece of copper tubing and flattening one end, inserting the thermistor in the tubing then putting epoxy glue in, being careful to keep the thermistor leads from touching the tubing or each other. I taped the leads to insulated them from the copper while putting the epoxy glue in. I also inserted a paper clip into the epoxy to use as a mounting tab.

You need an additional push button switch so you can select to read the outside temperature. There is no current draw on either meter unless the button is pressed to activate the meter.